›› First Choice Of Surgeons
›› HOW GLOVES ARE MADE Most latex gloves are made by a process of dipping ceramic or aluminum formers (or molds) into a solution of latex compound. The formers are pre-coated with a solution of coagulant to 'hold' the latex on them. The 'wet' gloves are dried and cured in a heated oven. Powdering is done on line. For household gloves cotton flocks may be applied to the inner surface to make them non-tacky and silky smooth. They may be double dipped with a different colored latex compound to add thickness and variations to the design and appearance. Formers may also be textured or patterned to lend a better grip or control during usage of the gloves. Powder-free gloves are made by washing powdered gloves and chlorinating the surface or applying a thin silicone film. They may be polymer-coated to impart a glossy feel. Sometimes color, flavoring or fragrance are applied to enhance the appeal of the product. ›› KNOW YOUR GLOVES All Latex gloves are non-ventilating except at the cuffs. Therefore, Try not wear them over a prolonged period of time. Try to change your gloves frequently and wash/rest your hands as often as you can. Select your gloves of the right shape and right size for your hand, A Glove can be a little loose, but never too tight. A well fitted glove will reduce muscle stresson your palms as you flex your hand. Trimming your fingernails regularly is very important. Because Long and sharp nails will obstruct the effective use of gloves and may cause them to tear. Some users may be more sensitive to latex gloves than others. For some Allergic reactions may develop over a period of time. Observe any signs of skin irritation and see your medical service provider. Do not expose your glove to light as prolonged exposure may cause rapid deterioration of gloves.
›› Regarding Quality ENSURING GLOVE QUALITY Since the primary purpose of latex gloves is to protect, be they for medical or industrial use, the most important property is that they must be watertight. Secondly, the gloves need to be checked for visual defects such as foreign particles, stain marks, unsatisfactory beading and excessive donning powder. Watertight test involves pouring a fixed amount of clean water into a set of randomly selected glove samples and then observing them for leaks. The common test method written into the ASTM standards involves the use of 1000 ml water. A less accurate but faster test is by blowing up the gloves and 'feeling' for air leaks. Visual defects are manually inspected by blowing up a sample of gloves. A more accurate method is by inspecting them over a translucent glass surface illuminated from the bottom. Defective gloves discovered are removed when found. A good manufacturing process involves producing 'perfect' gloves without any defects but this is nearly impossible. Even standards such as the ASTM which guides manufacturers and the public acknowledge that no gloves can be 100% pinhole-free or 100% visual defect-free. A good process strives to minimize such defects to below the maximum limits set by the standards in order that physical inspection and handling of the gloves are minimized or excluded wherever possible. In today's cost-competitive environment this is crucial to the manufacturers. Many manufacturers worldwide pack their gloves directly from the production machine. In our Factories the gloves from the production machine are hand stripped, which enables us to discard gloves with visible defects at the first stage itself and also all our formers are checked for any major or minor defect or damage at the end of each and every round. Regarding further tests we at DIAL check each and every glove for the following things- pinholes, thick/thin spots, beading, tear, pleats and moulds, tackiness and foreign material contamination.
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